The Process

Victoria Holzer Interiors would like to make the design experience a smooth and enjoyable process for you. You become an integral part of the process- but choose the level of involvement to fit your busy life.

VHI conducts a complimentary client-designer interview. This meeting is usually at your primary residence or at Victoria’s design studio.

VHI Standard Contract.

VHI charges an hourly fee for design services. Merchandise is on a cost-plus basis which includes the professional design advantage of wholesale pricing plus an appropriate percentage for acquisition and/or fabrication.

VHI will enter the Discovery Phase.

One on one meetings will take place with Victoria to discuss your project, goals, budget and any specific issues associated with such.
Victoria will focus on individual job parameters, thoughts and ideas and will learn about your needs , family and social life and the way you live . Review your existing possessions , and what is important to you. After establishing your vision and desires Victoria will discuss how best to proceed and develop a design direction that is uniquely yours.

The Bar at the Waters